7 Branding Principles from Coca-Cola you can apply to YOUR business today!

I am often asked from clients how they can get the best results for their business. How can they market effectively? How can they stand out among their competitors? And how can they do it on a small to medium scale budget? My answer is generally one thing…. Coca-Cola. Usually the first response I get […]

Organic Facebook Carousel Posts: How-to

Somebody asked us recently how to make an organic Facebook Carousel post on their business page without having to create a paid ad… Well, here it is in 5 easy steps! We recommend that this is done on a desktop, and not mobile. Now you are ready to publish a Facebook Carousel post!

The 20% Rule for Facebook Ads

You’re about to launch an ad for Facebook. You put all the important elements on your graphic. You included the product, a sale title, dates, your phone number, your web URL and your logo. You think it’s perfect, but is it? The reality is that Facebook only allows for 20% of the image ad to […]

Artrageous Advertising